RProfile Essentials

If there’s something programmers love, it’s dotfiles. A rather nice trend on GitHub has been for users to include their dotfiles on a public repo (a great idea if you want to make your personal configuration available across multiple systems – just git clone and apply!), and it’s a somewhat fun archaeological exercise to trawl through the various dotfile repositories to see how people have customized their tools to their liking. (For the record, my dotfiles and others live here.)

For the R programmer, the user dotfile typically lives in ~/.Rprofile – this file gets source()-ed by R upon startup, thereby making your own R tools (that aren’t worth putting into a package) available in your session. I’m going to divulge some of the essential bits of my own .Rprofile.


If you’re short on time, just trust me and put this in your .Rprofile. Otherwise, read on for motivation.

# warn on partial matches
options(warnPartialMatchAttr = TRUE,
        warnPartialMatchDollar = TRUE,
        warnPartialMatchArgs = TRUE)

# enable autocompletions for package names in
# `require()`, `library()`
utils::rc.settings(ipck = TRUE)

# warnings are errors
options(warn = 2)

# fancy quotes are annoying and lead to
# 'copy + paste' bugs / frustrations
options(useFancyQuotes = FALSE)

Essential Pieces

These are things that I believe should exist in every ~/.Rprofile; or, in other words, wish were default behaviour in R.

  • utils::rc.settings(ipck = TRUE): Auto-complete package names in require() and library() calls.

R actually provides a mechanism for you to configure how many different types of autocompletions it provides for you. This is all hidden within rc.settings(), and you can see the various options available in the (surprisingly well written) ?rc.settings help page. I’m not exactly sure why this option is disabled by default; perhaps to avoid issues that users with slow network drives might have? It certainly is useful when you’re trying to load certain long named BioConductor packages

  • options(warnPartialMatchAttr = TRUE): Warn on partial matching for the attr() function.

One thing that is really quite … scary, is that R allows for partial matching in a number of places. This hallmarks the tension R has between an interactive statistical environment (where every keystroke depletes some cognitive energy you would rather expend on your current problem), and R as a programming language (where you would prefer that your programs be robust and work both now and in the future, with new data and new parameters).

In general, I view this as a problem that auto-completion, not partial matching, should solve. But the fact that this code works without warnings by default is kind of terrifying:

x <- ""
attr(x, "SomeVariable") <- 1
attr(x, "Some")
​[1] 1

Thankfully, it’s possible to change this behaviour – it just seems a shame that this is not the default. Note that if there are multiple prefix matches, R pretends that neither of them exist (and doesn’t give you any warning, regardless):

attr(x, "SomeOtherVariable") <- 2
attr(x, "Some")

So you can imagine the insidious kinds of bugs that could leak in if you actually relied on partial matching in your code. By the way – there’s a special place in the R Inferno for those of you that do.

  • options(warnPartialMatchDollar = TRUE): Warn on partial matches for the $ operator.

Same as above – $ performs partial matching by default; I’d rather R give me a warning.

  • options(warnPartialMatchArgs = TRUE): Warn on partial matches for function argument names.

Yet again! All this partial matching gives me the heeby-jeebies. If only there a way we could make these errors…

  • options(warn = 2): Turn warnings into errors.

This is good practice to follow if you want to really write robust R code. Warnings are printed for a reason, and ignoring them is almost never the right response. If you really want to ignore a warning, you should silence the noisy function explicitly, with suppressWarnings(), and provide a nice big comment above why this was the correct solution.

  • options(useFancyQuotes = FALSE): Turn off fancy quotes.

I’ve seen a few novice programmers get frustrated because a path they copied from an R error message just wasn’t working – and it was because that path was printed and surrounded with fancy quotes, rather than just the regular quotes.


These ones are less essential, but I think are pretty darn useful to have. Firstly, if you haven’t done this already, you should prefer putting every object you create in your .Rprofile within its own environment, and then attaching that environment to the search path, like so:

.__Rprofile_env__. <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())

## ... fill .__Rprofile_env__. with stuff ...


Side note: I would say that this is one of the very few legitimate uses of attach(), but you should still make sure that anything you place in that environment is unlikely to mask functions in the packages you load.

With that, let’s start filling our environment with some goodies!

Quickly Edit your .Rprofile

A nice little trick for quickly opening your ~/.Rprofile directly from R in your favorite editor:

### Use '.Rprofile' to quickly open your ~/.Rprofile

# Create an empty string with class '__Rprofile__'
# and assign it to our .__Rprofile.env__.
# Here, `class<-`() is just a sneaky way of creating
# an object with some class all in one expression.
       `class<-`('', "__Rprofile__"),
       envir = .__Rprofile.env__.)

# Assign a print for the "__Rprofile__" class in that
# same environment. By printing the `.Rprofile` object,
# we actually go and edit it!
       function(x) file.edit("~/.Rprofile"),
       envir = .__Rprofile.env__.)

This one is nice for when you discover something new and decide that it just must live in your .Rprofile. So, you type .Rpr<TAB>, hit enter, the ‘print’ method is invoked (calling file.edit()) and bam! You’re editing your .Rprofile. Neat trick, huh?

You can further (ab)use this to also make your R session ‘feel’ like a shell. For example:

pwd <- ""
class(pwd) <- "__pwd__"
print.__pwd__ <- function(x, ...) print(getwd())

And now you know how to call functions without actually using the () symbols. Fun times!

Set Devtools Default Options

Are you a package author? Do you want to be? Either way, you almost definitely want to be using devtools to help you along the way. Once you get into the groove of collecting common functionality into different packages, you want to be able to generate new projects with a particular template quickly and efficiently.

You can use devtools::create() alongside some options set in your .Rprofile to automate this. For example, I have:

options("devtools.desc" = list(
  Author = <name>,
  Maintainer = paste0(<name>, " <", <email>, ">"),
  License = "MIT + file LICENSE",
  Version = "0.0.1"
options("devtools.name" = <name>)

which ensures that any new packages I create with devtools::create() are automatically set up with everything I need.

I find this one somehow reassuring – I know where R will be looking for packages when I start my R session. Basically, we pretty-print the .libPaths() variable:

if (length(.libPaths()) > 1) {
  msg <- "Using libraries at paths:\n"
} else {
  msg <- "Using library at path:\n"
libs <- paste("-", .libPaths(), collapse = "\n")
message(msg, libs, sep = "")

Don’t Let R Blow Up your Console

Did you really want to see all 10000 elements of that list? Probably not, right? Use:

options(max.print = 100)

to tune it down a bit.

Ending Remarks

A last word on your ~/.Rprofile – do not put anything in there that can modify the result in execution of others R code! As much as stringsAsFactors = TRUE is the worst default ever, putting options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE) is an even worse idea – because now the code you write is only executable by others who have also opted in to this option. Just bite the bullet and remember to use stringsAsFactors = FALSE whenever necessary.

For most cases, I think any R code more than a couple lines deserves to live in a package. If it’s useful, other people deserve to be able to stumble upon it and easily use it too. And, if you decide to place some code in your ~/.Rprofile, make sure it’s exclusively for interactive use – if the code you write depends on your .Rprofile, that’s a very bad sign.

In my case, I collect these in a package Kmisc (which has unfortunately languished a bit recently), but it does have some nice utilities for interactive use. My personal favourite is Kmisc::cat.cb(), which lets you write an R object to the clipboard, – very useful if you want to copy and paste output from an object to somewhere else. The companion function, Kmisc::scan.cb(), reads data from the clipboard and into an R object – also quite handy for quick one-offs.

Finally, if you haven’t already, I highly encourage you to:

  1. Create your own ~/.Rprofile,
  2. Put it in a public repository,
  3. Start collecting your own little bits of productivity helpers to save you precious seconds each day. They add up!
