Needless Inefficiencies in R -- Head and Tail

This is part one of an unboundedly large number of parts investigating some of, what I’ll call, ‘needless inefficiencies’ in R.

Preamble – Why I Love R

I like to think of R as one of the best programming languages with one of the worst ‘standard libraries’ – by that, I mean the set of functions exposed in the set of ‘base’ R packages, e.g. base, tools and utils. While R comes with ‘batteries included’, to steal some lingo from the Pythonistas of the world, the problem is that R comes with a needlessly inconsistent, and often unnecessarily slow set of, erm, ‘batteries’ for common tasks.

At the same time, the R language itself is quite simple, easy to read and understand, and provides many great mechanisms for ‘meta-programming’, or manually constructing and massaging calls, expressions, and whatever else you might want to do (rightfully or wrongfully so). This allows package authors to generate incredibly powerful interfaces, probably most notably in the recently released dplyr package. Given the small number of syntactical ‘primitives’ in R, (well-written) and idiomatic R code can be very readable, while still being quite performant.

Furthermore, the fact that CRAN exists, and the community around R is so powerfully devoted to constructing better tooling for making R more than just a ‘programming language for statistics’ means that we have some excellent extensions and re-inventions of the ‘standard library’. Those familiar with the Hadley-verse probably know what I mean – plenty of Hadley’s packages implement functionality already available in base R, but these packages are far more cohesive, well-organized, faster, and ultimately more useful.

Not to discount the efforts of R-Core or other package authors – the set of functions baked into R are enormously useful (if often inconsistently named or potentially awkward to use), and there are a gigantic number of overall high quality packages available that extend R’s functionality. However, there are fewer packages that focus specifically on extending the ‘standard library’, or making R feel more like a ‘first-class’ programming language.

Needless Inefficiencies

As R enters the public spotlight as more than ‘just a programming language for statistics’, programmers, rather than just statisticians, are becoming interested in the language itself, and are often surprised at what I’ll call the ‘needless inefficiencies’ in the GNU-R implementation. Radford Neal’s pqR is one of the most visible alternative implementations of R that attempts to maintain a close adherence to the R language ‘specification’, while providing many more opportunities to tune performance wherever possible. His presentation at DSC is a great overview of some of these problems and how they’ve been tackled in pqR.

I’m going to focus on inefficiencies in the ‘standard library’ specifically; that is, the set of R functions made available by the base packages in an R session, especially those implemented as pure R functions. And today I’ll start by bashing head and tail.

Head and Tail Perform Unnecessary Allocations

Consider the (default S3 method) implementations of head and tail:

​function (x, n = 6L, ...) 
    stopifnot(length(n) == 1L)
    n <- if (n < 0L) 
        max(length(x) + n, 0L)
    else min(n, length(x))
<bytecode: 0x7f8d1ba04790>
<environment: namespace:utils>
​function (x, n = 6L, ...) 
    stopifnot(length(n) == 1L)
    xlen <- length(x)
    n <- if (n < 0L) 
        max(xlen + n, 0L)
    else min(n, xlen)
    x[ = xlen, length.out = n)]
<bytecode: 0x7f8d196ebb90>
<environment: namespace:utils>

Basically, the functions are implemented in terms of ‘bounds check’, plus a call to x[seq(...)]. Why is this somewhat silly?

The issue I have here is simply that the seq() functions will allocate a new integer vector, when really all we need is a copy of a subset of the vector from some range.

We could produce a simple + faster implementation using a little bit of Rcpp:

#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;

// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector head_cpp(NumericVector x, int n) {
  NumericVector output = no_init(n);
  std::copy(x.begin(), x.begin() + n, output.begin());
  return output;

Let’s do a little microbenchmark:

x <- rnorm(1E6)
n <- 5E5

identical(head(x, n), head_cpp(x, n))
​[1] TRUE
  R = head(x, n),
  cpp = head_cpp(x, n)
​Unit: microseconds
 expr      min       lq     mean    median       uq      max neval cld
    R 2861.461 4098.860 6372.765 4665.8230 5064.496 44199.78   100   b
  cpp  378.009  928.663 1927.118  994.5395 2515.637 38033.75   100  a 

This (somewhat overly simplified) implementation has improved performance by roughly 4x. Why? Because we don’t perform the needless allocation of an integer vector of size 500 000. That is, in the base-R implementation of head, this call:


forces an allocation of an integer vector of 1:n through seq_len – something which should be completely unnecessary. Interestingly enough, R doesn’t seem to have any notion of subsetting with ‘ranges’, and so there is no ‘efficient’ way (at the base R level) to subset a range.

There is, actually, a hacky way of avoiding this overhead, though – we can call the length<- function, e.g.

x <- 1:5
length(x) <- 3
​[1] 1 2 3

However, if we didn’t want to modify x in place, we could also call

x <- 1:5
y <- `length<-`(x, 3)
​[1] 1 2 3 4 5
​[1] 1 2 3

Is it actually faster?

x <- rnorm(1E6)
n <- 5E5
  R = head(x, n),
  Cpp = head_cpp(x, n),
  len = `length<-`(x, n)
​Unit: microseconds
 expr      min        lq     mean   median       uq      max neval cld
    R 2531.204 3365.8515 4280.739 3777.895 5116.448  7639.72   100   b
  Cpp  481.612  633.0025 1867.618 1013.053 1273.787 48814.78   100  a 
  len  583.374  691.5980 1856.405 1080.526 1168.850 46043.33   100  a 

Look at that – basically on par with our head_cpp function. In this case, we get this fancy behaviour because length<- is a primitive function, and hence is implemented in C and gets such ‘range-based’ subsetting access to the vector. For the curious, the length<- primitive is implemented as do_lengthgets. You can check out the implementation online, but I’ll summarise it for you – it’s doing exactly what we’re doing, but handling all of the atomic R types (not just numeric vectors), and also copying over the names attribute if it exists. (It also allows you to ‘extend’ a vector, and will pad the vector with NAs as necessary).

Sidenote: the main thing we miss out on from head is handling of negative indices; e.g. it would be possible to chop off the tail of a vector by providing a negative value to n. Of course, this too would be trivial to implement in C or C++.

This is what I mean by ‘needless inefficiencies’ in R – there are plenty of hot spots in the ‘standard library’ that deserve to be optimized, but simply aren’t. That being said, there are very good reasons why R-core is very conservative about optimizing functions like these:

  1. Backwards compatiblity + stability of the ‘core’ R implementation is the highest priority; extensions like these can (and often should) be implemented through packages, and

  2. Optimizations like this can break old code in surprising ways – there are likely bits in how attributes are preserved, or how other bits marked on the internal object itself, are massaged in the head implementation that are not completely obvious.

And, when all is said in done – head and tail are going to be fast enough 99.99% of the time, but one cannot help but shed a single tear for the poor 0.01% of us who worry about these wasteful allocations.

More fundamentally, it would be useful if R exposed a primitive subsequence() function, upon which functions like head.default and other range-based extraction methods could be implemented. In other words, a primitive like:

#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;

// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector subsequence(NumericVector x,
                          int start,
                          int end) {
  if (start > end)
    return NumericVector();
  // translate from R to C indexing
  // bounds checking
  if (start < 0) start = 0;
  if (end > x.size()) end = x.size();
  // note: want to be tail inclusive
  NumericVector output = no_init(end - start + 1);
  std::copy(x.begin() + start,
            x.begin() + end + 1,
  return output;

which is then called as, e.g.

head <- function(x, n = 6L)
  subsequence(x, 1L, n)

tail <- function(x, n = 6L)
  subsequence(x, length(x) - n, length(x))

x <- as.numeric(1:10)
​[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6
​[1]  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
subsequence(x, 5, 8)
​[1] 5 6 7 8

As per usual – one could easily implement this in a package, but it would be nice if something like this were made available in R itself.
